This groundbreaking international platform unites humanity and artificial intelligence, forging new paths through art, science, and culture. From cutting-edge technologies to innovative humanitarian projects, the forum explores how AI can contribute to solving global challenges, while also preserving and enhancing our shared future. Dive into a unique space where leaders, innovators, and visionaries gather to shape the world of tomorrow.
Welcome to Bridges Between Worlds
About the Forum
Mission of the Forum
Our mission is to unite the brightest minds, technologies, and cultural resources to address global challenges by fostering collaboration between artificial intelligence and humanity. We aim to create a world where innovation and humanism work hand in hand.
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History of Creation
The "Bridges Between Worlds" forum was created to strengthen international connections through cultural events inspired by innovations in art and technology. The first forum is being held in Moscow, with future events planned across the world, including the Middle East and Europe.
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The forum is organized by the World Charity Alliance "Peacemaker", which has long been working on building bridges between science, art, and philanthropy, with the support of leading experts in the field of AI.
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Peacemaker Award Ceremony
The Peacemaker Award Ceremony will be a standout event of the forum, recognizing individuals who have dedicated their efforts to fostering peace and supporting those in need.
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AI in Music
The AI in Music concert will be a centerpiece of the forum, showcasing musical pieces created with the help of artificial intelligence.
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Panel Discussions
The main panels will focus on the interaction between artificial intelligence and humans, the role of technology in improving quality of life, and ways to achieve sustainable development through innovation.
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Roundtables will bring together experts to discuss the future of AI and its impact on culture, art, and international cooperation.
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Participants will be able to attend masterclasses where leading experts will demonstrate how AI can be used in art and creative projects
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Film Festival
The "Bridges Between Worlds" film festival isn’t just about films. It’s where AI and humans create together, breaking the boundaries of what’s possible. Love, freedom, equality — through AI-crafted cinema, you’ll witness the future of art today.
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Key Speakers
Key speakers at the forum include leaders in AI, science, and culture, who will share their thoughts on the future of technology and its role in the world.
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Discussion Participants
Discussion participants are leading experts representing diverse perspectives on AI development and its potential for peacemaking.
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Press Releases
Press Releases
All the latest news about the forum will be posted here, including announcements of speakers, programs, and partners.
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Latest Updates
Latest Updates
Stay up to date with the latest developments and updates on the forum’s preparation and key moments.
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Expert articles on the interaction between AI and culture, along with interviews with key forum figures..
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A list of official sponsors who support our event and humanitarian initiatives..
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Strategic Partners
Strategic partners who actively participate in achieving the forum’s goals and programs.
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How the forum supports global humanitarian initiatives through its events.
How the forum supports global humanitarian initiatives through its events.
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How to Support
Information on how you can join and support our forum and its goals.
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Sponsorship Opportunities
Various levels of sponsorship and privileges for those who decide to support the forum.
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Organizing Committee
Contact information to get in touch with the forum organizers
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Media Contacts
Media Contacts
Contact us for interviews and media inquiries.
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We are always happy to hear your feedback and suggestions. Please write to us.
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Forum Participants
Register to participate in our international forum
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For Press
Press accreditation.
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Masterclass Participants
Register to attend exclusive masterclasses.
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Press Kit
Download the press kit and information about the forum.
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Speaker Materials
Useful materials for forum speakers
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Join Us in Building the Future! 🌍
Leave your contact information, and we will:
Share inspiring topics and speakers of the forum
Answer all your questions about the event and program
Help you become part of our partners and participants
Provide details on support and ways to contribute
Let’s build bridges between worlds!
Mission of the Forum
Organizing Committee
For Press
Welcome to Our Forum! We're happy to connect and engage with you on weekdays. Let's build bridges between worlds together!